Company Details

Industry: Data Connectivity

Company Size: 3380

Location: San Francisco, California

Company Products: Data connectivity, Data onboardingIdentity resolution

About this Project

Implementation of an agile project management framework across a large cross-functional product line.

Executive Summary

A data infrastructure and analytics company struggling to overcome disorganization, lack of structure, and communication barriers that hampered productivity entrusted an AGL partner to own implementation of an agile project management framework across a large product line. AGL was able to create cross-functional teams, introduce iterative development and agile methodologies, and initiate the transformation of a large product line. This resulted in increased productivity, improved communication, and the creation of predictable timelines for product development.


Upon partnering with the organization, the engagement partner faced an organization in turmoil. There was no clear process or structure for new product development or sustainment, projects were not always completed, and when they were the market had often changed by the time the product was ready for release. Communication between the product and engineering teams was also a major challenge, leading to operational inefficiencies and launch delays.

Course of Action

AGL initiated an agile process implementation of a large product line, starting with the assembly of a cross-functional team embedded within the product line and its functions. To address communication and collaboration issues, iterative development and agile methodologies were introduced, including Scrum using two-week release cycles. The goal was to increase flexibility in the product development process and create a pivot point for continuous improvement.


After four weeks of intensive coaching, support, and collaboration, the initial two cross-functional teams demonstrated improved ownership, enhanced communication, and decreased operational friction. These two teams served as the pilot program which, having succeeded, formed the blueprint for the transformation that was methodically deployed to six departments within the company, increasing productivity and predictability in go-to-market timelines. Through a focus on organization and structure, we were able to bring order to the chaos, enhance productivity, and transform the company's operations.

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